This feature requires assign employees to jobs feature to be turned on, you can do so by following this link.
Once assign employees to jobs is enabled, an employee can only clock in and out of a job they have been assigned to. In addition, the jobs list for reconciling a job, scheduling a job shift or adding missing job shifts for an employee, will be filtered by the jobs assigned to them.
To assign teams to a job, please create the team first.
To assign an employee or a team to an existing job.
On Web:
Click on Home > Job Hours > Job List
Click on > The Job to be assigned to employees
Click on > Info > 'Edit' next to 'Employees Assigned'
Select the employees/teams to be assigned, Tap on > Confirm
On Mobile:
Tap on > Menu > Overview > Jobs
Tap on > List
Tap on > The Job to be assigned to employees
Tap on > Info > Info > Employees Assigned
Select the employees/teams to be assigned, Tap on > Confirm