First select a chat from the chat list.
In the mobile app:
Tap on > chat room from the list
Tap on > the input box to enter a text
Enter a message and tap on > 'Send' Button
The message will be delivered.
To send an image as a message, tap on > 'Camera' button
Select an option, either to click a picture or by choosing a photo from the gallery
Tap on > 'Send Photo' button
The image message will be delivered after showing the upload progress.
On the web version, take the following steps to send a message image or text:
Click on > a chat from the list
Click on > the input box and start typing to send a text message
Click on > 'Send' icon or press 'Enter' key to send the text message
The message will be delivered.
To send an image as a message, click on > 'Camera' icon
Select a picture from the file browser/Finder
Click on > 'Send Image' button
The image message will be delivered after the upload progress is completed.